Uğur Mumcu Cantata - World Premiere

“Uğur Mumcu Cantata” written by our esteemed composer Turgay Erdener was performed for the first time at the CSO Concert Hall on May 3, 2019. 

The Presidential Symphony Orchestra was conducted by Rengim Gökmen. Sopranos Selva Erdener, Tuğba Mankal Dekak, Görkem Ezgi Yıldırım and tenor Emre Akkuş took part as soloists.

The texts of the cantata were composed by the writer Şirin Aktemur, using Mumcu's writings. Composed in cantata style for 4 singing soloists and choir, the work consists of 5 movements.

We were shot, O my people, don't forget us!... 

We finished our books by the light of a candle, while the cars drove through the streets with their flashing lights.  We participated in that great fight by living in our hearts the hearts of thousands of poor people like ourselves.

Conscience was silent. Law was silenced. Humanity was silenced. 

We were killed in plain sight, my people, don't forget us!... 

Poor peasants in Giresun. We died for you. Tobacco workers in the Aegean, we died for you. Landless peasants in the East, we died for you. Workers in Istanbul and Ankara, we died for you. Workers in Adana, picking white cotton with shattered hands, we died for you. 

We were shot, hanged, killed, O my people, don't forget us! 

We hadn't even lived our childhood yet. We hadn't touched a woman's hand. We hadn't even received a letter from a lover. One night at dawn, we were brought to the execution tables with our shackled hands and feet. 

We have been shot, O people, don't forget us!... 

-- Cumhuriyet, August 25, 1975 

Susan cowardly people do not speak for freedom. They are accomplices to crime. We lived with them in the age of criminals. Those who did not submit to power reached out like a clenched fist to the darkness and came to today. Freedom doves flew out of those steel fists. With them we will live in the age of freedom.

-- Yeni Ortam, January 20, 1975

Adam. Not the first human being, but a human being Adam.  The one who came to life in Anatolia. Drafted as a young man. Found objectionable. 

Adam was martyred in the line of duty with seven bullets in his stomach. 

And what about you? Those who called Adam “objectionable”, denounced him and fired him; Are you the ones who are not objectionable?

-- Yeniortam - September 7, 1974

Politicians who carry ballot boxes in their heads will be forgotten; those who inflict the cruelest punishments on intellectuals and artists will be forgotten; bandits who cut roads in the name of the state will be forgotten; those who wrap barbed wire around brains will be forgotten; heads of state will be forgotten; prime ministers who climbed into cars with red license plates will be forgotten; ministers will be forgotten... 

Dinos and Arbaşs with their paintings; Yaşar Kemals, Aziz Nesins, Rıfat Ilgaz, Sabahattin Alis with their novels, stories and writings; Nazım Hikmet, Ceyhun Atuf, Hasan Hüseyin, Ahmet Arif with their poems will always live!... 

-- Cumhuriyet, May 3, 1987 

5.That Old Folk Song

The war of independence, won with the blood of the Turkish people, the strength and sweat of the Turkish people...
The name of this resistance against imperialism. Revolutionary, nationalist, war of independence.

Independence is the mortar of this country. After all these years.
Today, one by one, one by one, the children of the people are being shot in the back.

Wake up Gazi Kemal, wake up! Wake up with the swashbucklers, workers, peasants, children of the people, intellectuals, workers, peasants.
One by one, one by one, the children of the people are being shot in the back.
Wake up Gazi Kemal, wake up! Wake up with the swashbucklers, workers, peasants, children of the people, intellectuals, workers, peasants.

-- Cumhuriyet, October 29, 1979